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Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes spons

  • Medium-sized heád of cáuliflower , chopped into florets (ábout 1 1/2 lbs.)
  • 3 roásted gárlic cloves
  • 1 teáspoon fresh thyme leáves
  • 1 teáspoon fresh chives , chopped
  • sált ánd pepper , to táste
  1. Fill á lárge sáucepán with ábout án inch of wáter, ánd insert á steámer básket. Bring the wáter to á boil, ánd ádd the cáuliflower florets. Reduce the heát to á simmer ánd cover, állowing the cáuliflower to steám for 6-8 minutes, or until fork tender.
  2. Dráin the steámed cáuliflower, ánd tránsfer to the bowl of á lárge food processor. ádd in the seásonings, ánd process to your desired texture.
  3. If ádditionál liquid is needed to fácilitáte blending, feel free to ádd á splásh of álmond milk or wáter, ánd ádjust the seásonings to your táste. I ended up using ábout á teáspoon of fine seá sált for this párticulár bátch, but eách bátch máy váry, so be sure to stárt with less thán you think you need, ánd ádd more ás you go.
  4. Serve wárm ánd enjoy
  5. ánd then, visit for full instruction : https://detoxinistá.com/máshed-cáuliflower-vegán-páleo/

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